Turn your fabulous audio into fantastic text!

Transcription for podcasters, writers, and professionals

Search Rankings and SEO

Improve your Google search rankings and SEO by making your content searchable and indexable.

Reusability and Accessibility

Repurpose your content as blog posts, reaching audiences that prefer text over audio, while also expanding your offerings to the d/Deaf community!

Turn Interviews into Results

Turn your research and interviews into easy to parse and analyze documents, ready for your processing and editorial flair.

Why do you need transcripts?

Our world is a world filled with text. Every day, we read the news, find out more about our favorite televisions shows, and buy products based on reviews. The internet is made of text, and search engines still use text to determine how relevant content is to someone. So how can you make sure your content will be useful to everyone? You need to transcribe that audio to the format used everywhere: text.


Transcriptions of your audio and video content will be indexed by search engines, raising your content in the search rankings.


Transcripts make it a snap to repurpose your audio and video content as blog posts, helping you reach audiences that prefer text content.


Transcription converts interviews and research materials to searchable, reader-friendly formats.


Transcripts also provide accessibility to the d/Deaf community.

This fact surprised me…

Did you know that YouTube’s auto-transcriptions aren’t indexed for search? Only manually created transcriptions are indexed! When your videos are indexed within YouTube, your videos will be found by more people and will show up higher in searches, helping you expand your audience.

And what does that tell you about YouTube’s confidence in their own automated transcripts? It sure seems to me like they aren’t confident in them!

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Why use Case Transcription?

There are a ton of “box store” transcription shops out there to choose from. They provide transcription at rock-bottom prices, so why should you choose me over any of them?


Box store transcription shops parcel jobs out to an anonymous pool of transcribers with widely varying levels of ability. With Case Transcription, you will always be working directly with me, so you have more consistent transcripts, as well as a direct relationship with your transcriber.


You can lay out your preferred style conventions and custom requests in a way that just isn’t possible with large volume shops. Custom formatting and styling conventions will help you get content that require less fiddling and post-processing work after you receive your file.


I am a native English speaker, and I have been certified by TranscribeAnywhere, so you know you will get quality transcriptions. Light editing is always provided for clarity unless you specifically request strict verbatim.


I always aim to create a frictionless delivery system so you spend less time messing with files. I can use many different delivery methods and file formats. I can even upload transcripts directly to YouTube for you!

How can you get the best transcripts possible?

There are all sorts of reasons why it can be hard to get a really excellent transcript. I’ve gathered together some tips and tricks to prep for your audio, and a few tips for what to do after you’ve gotten your transcript back.


I’ve gathered a few tips and tricks to get the best audio file possible for clear and accurate transcripts!


Once you have your transcript, here are a few things you’ll need to finalize the transcript!


You’re out there making the world more fabulous, fierce, and fantastic…

And I’m here to make sure your podcasts can be found, your research can be searched, and your interviews are quote-ready. I love helping my clients get the most value out of their audio and video content. If you need transcription, reach out. I’m here to help!


Want to talk transcripts?

If you’re ready to get started or you have any questions, please contact me. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours. I’m here to help! You can also reach me through email:
